Teodor Rygier • 1887 • National Museum in Kraków, Poland
Casual joys of a woman, not obliged to force a smile. Bacchantes are known for their unbridled sexuality. This one, sculpted from heavy bronze, has only draped her hips in loose fabric, casually again. And then she raised both arms. A goblet in her right hand, a sprig of grapevine in the left. Lightly. Things now will lighten up; we’ll share some of her joy. Her face, her radiant eyes, breasts, and hands. Relaxed, wild, sensual.
Still, doesn’t joy seem the least casual of emotions? Truth be told, we crave it, we desire feeling more of it, more often and stronger. But one can’t feel any joy that way. Obligatory enjoyment negates joy instantly. And internal imperatives – Be active! Smile! Use, experience, enjoy! – pilfer all the joy and disrupt any sense of bliss. Yes, joy comes casually, just as the bacchante casually unlocked the door to the Museum of Glee.